Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mia and Karen...

So sorry for the long lull in posting. Internet has been a bit off lately... but not to worry, it has left me with more time to play with sweet Mia. We're coming to the end of our time together until next month and I have grown quite attached to this little punk. I'm going to go through a few days of sad withdrawal when her parents come home!

Mia and I have stuck to a pretty regular routine lately. She is one lucky girl to live in such close proximity to the Esplanade and the Public Gardens. We've spend many nights watching the sunsets along the Charles, going for runs around the river, and playing with her dog friends at the Park St dog park. We've met new puppies too, her new favorite being the 8 month old Sally, an equally sized and equally active yellow lab puppy.

Mia's gotten into her fair share of mischief too... a few chewed shoes and undergarments and her stealthy thieving of a family's picnic in the park... but for the most part she has been sweet and happy and most of all, fun!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Goodbye Jessie!

I had to say goodbye to sweet old Jessie for the time being. As you can see, she is just as sad about this as I was. (though moments later had forgotton it was a goodbye visit, rolling like a puppy on her back bagging me to scratch her belly).

Sunday, September 2, 2007

I wish that I was Jessie's girl....

Jessie, the 10 year old pit bull and I went for a short walk around her neighborhood in Somerville this morning. The sweet old girl still thinks she is a puppy but apparently can't handle longer walks. She has been catching herself up on world events though, listening to NPR while her people are away. I'm looking forward to her happy greeting again tonight!

Meanwhile, Mia and I have had a few lovely walks today. She is very silly around other dogs, gets SUPER excited then goes into the characteristic Border Collie crouch, eventually laying down and waiting for the other dog to come to her. She woke me up this morning to exuberant kisses on my face. I love this job!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Mia the Underwear tyrant

Here she is, my little snuggly friend with her new favorite toy.

We've been having a great time together. We played in the park for a long time this afternoon in what is one of the most beautiful days of the summer. Mia chased everything from leaves and wrappers to pigeons and squirrels. She is now sleeping quite soundly at my toes...